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Case study: Gallbladder

It was late at night, when Claire was awakened from a deep sleep by intense abdominal pain and nausea. Perhaps it was due to food poisoning, she thought. Hours earlier, Claire had joined a friend for dinner at a favorite local diner, where she had enjoyed a cobb salad with roasted chicken. She had a small piece of dark chocolate for dessert. As the night and the pain in her abdomen progressed, Claire contemplated going to the emergency room. This was the second abdominal flare-up that Claire had experienced within a year. However, she had no fever, she was tolerating liquids, and wasn’t vomiting, so she decided to wait until the next morning to see a conventional physician, who, after evaluating Claire, suggested that she consider having her gallbladder removed. The MD suspected that gallstones and an inflamed gallbladder were likely the source of Claire’s pain and nausea, and he was very concerned. He informed her that gallstones, if left untreated, could become fatal. He therefore recommended a cholecystectomy—the surgical removal of the gallbladder—which he assured her is a relatively common and straightforward procedure. Claire decided to consult with Dr. Emi for a second opinion. Dr. Emi recommended that Claire have imaging of her abdomen done, which included an ultrasound, to evaluate gallbladder abnormalities and rule out any other pathology. Test results were normal. After discussing the pros and cons of moving forward with a cholecystectomy, Claire decided to give Dr. Emi’s holistic approach a try, which entailed taking digestive enzymes, taurine, and curcumin supplements. Taurine is an amino acid that promotes liver health and aids in the dissolving of gallstones. Digestive enzymes are known to support overall digestive health. Claire was also prescribed curcumin, known for its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to improve bile flow. After taking her first doses of taurine, digestive enzymes, and curcumin, Claire felt immediate relief. She continued to take them and has had no further abdominal pain flare-ups. On occasion, Claire reports feeling a burning sensation in her abdomen, which she discovered with Dr. Emi’s help, is due to gluten sensitivity.



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